Module FuncNotify.SlackMethod

Sends messages to a given slack server, currently only notifies a user as slack channel support not currently supported.


  1. Create a slackbot and server, enable messaging, emojis, reading usernames, etc. 1b. Grab the API token off a created slackbot:
  2. Add user emails, slackbot name, and API token to .env
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"""Sends messages to a given slack server, currently only notifies a user as slack channel support
not currently supported. 

    1. Create a slackbot and server, enable messaging, emojis, reading usernames, etc.
        1b. Grab the API token off a created slackbot:
    2. Add user emails, slackbot name, and API token to .env
import FuncNotify.NotifyMethods as NotifyMethods # Using the predefined functions from the abstract class
import FuncNotify.NotifyDecorators as NotifyDecorators

# Specify here other Packages to be imported specific for [Method].
from slack import WebClient

def time_Slack(func=None, use_env: bool=True, env_path: str=".env", update_env: bool=False, username: str="alerty", token: str=None, email: str=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Decorator specific for Slack, if no credentials specified, it wil fill in with .env variables
        func (function, optional): In case you want to use time_func as a pure decoratr without \
        arguments. Defaults to None.
        use_env (str, optional): Loads .env file envionment variables. Defaults to False
        env_path (str, optional): Path to .env file. Defaults to ".env".
        update_env (bool, optional): Whether to update the .env file to current. Always updates on \
        initialization. Defaults to False.
        username (str, optional): Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
        token (str, optional): Bot token . Defaults to None.
        email (str, optional): Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
    return NotifyDecorators.time_func(*args, **kwargs, **locals(), NotifyMethod="Slack") 

class SlackMethod(NotifyMethods.NotifyMethods):
    """Sends slack notification to slack channel and user email specified
    __slots__ = ("__username", "__id", "__client") # List all instance variables here in string form, saves memory
    emoji_dict = {
        "Start":    ":clapper:",
        "End":      ":tada:",
        "Error":    ":skull:",

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Sets the credentials for the api client for slack

            username (str, optional): Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
            token (str, optional): Bot token . Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _set_credentials(self, username: str="alerty", token: str=None, email: str=None,  *args, **kwargs):
        """Sets the credentials for the api client for slack

            username (str, optional): Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
            token (str, optional): Bot token . Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
        self.__username =  self._type_or_env(username, "USERNAME")
        self.__client = WebClient(self._type_or_env(token, "SLACK_API_TOKEN"))
        self.__id = self.__client.users_lookupByEmail(email=self._type_or_env(email, "EMAIL"))['user']['id']

    def _addon(self, type_: str="Error")->str:
        return SlackMethod.emoji_dict.get(type_, ":tada:")

    def _send_message(self, MSG: str):
            self.__client.chat_postMessage(username=self.__username, # NOTE this can be any username, 
                                         text=MSG,               # set up the bot credentials!

        except Exception as ex:
            raise ex


def time_Slack(func=None, use_env: bool = True, env_path: str = '.env', update_env: bool = False, username: str = 'alerty', token: str = None, email: str = None, *args, **kwargs)

Decorator specific for Slack, if no credentials specified, it wil fill in with .env variables


func : function, optional
In case you want to use time_func as a pure decoratr without arguments. Defaults to None.
use_env : str, optional
Loads .env file envionment variables. Defaults to False
env_path : str, optional
Path to .env file. Defaults to ".env".
update_env : bool, optional
Whether to update the .env file to current. Always updates on initialization. Defaults to False.
username : str, optional
Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
token : str, optional
Bot token . Defaults to None.
email : str, optional
Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
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def time_Slack(func=None, use_env: bool=True, env_path: str=".env", update_env: bool=False, username: str="alerty", token: str=None, email: str=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Decorator specific for Slack, if no credentials specified, it wil fill in with .env variables
        func (function, optional): In case you want to use time_func as a pure decoratr without \
        arguments. Defaults to None.
        use_env (str, optional): Loads .env file envionment variables. Defaults to False
        env_path (str, optional): Path to .env file. Defaults to ".env".
        update_env (bool, optional): Whether to update the .env file to current. Always updates on \
        initialization. Defaults to False.
        username (str, optional): Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
        token (str, optional): Bot token . Defaults to None.
        email (str, optional): Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
    return NotifyDecorators.time_func(*args, **kwargs, **locals(), NotifyMethod="Slack") 


class SlackMethod (*args, **kwargs)

Sends slack notification to slack channel and user email specified

Sets the credentials for the api client for slack


username : str, optional
Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
token : str, optional
Bot token . Defaults to None.
email : str, optional
Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class SlackMethod(NotifyMethods.NotifyMethods):
    """Sends slack notification to slack channel and user email specified
    __slots__ = ("__username", "__id", "__client") # List all instance variables here in string form, saves memory
    emoji_dict = {
        "Start":    ":clapper:",
        "End":      ":tada:",
        "Error":    ":skull:",

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Sets the credentials for the api client for slack

            username (str, optional): Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
            token (str, optional): Bot token . Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _set_credentials(self, username: str="alerty", token: str=None, email: str=None,  *args, **kwargs):
        """Sets the credentials for the api client for slack

            username (str, optional): Bot username. Defaults to "alerty".
            token (str, optional): Bot token . Defaults to None.
            email (str, optional): Email of recepient. Defaults to None.
        self.__username =  self._type_or_env(username, "USERNAME")
        self.__client = WebClient(self._type_or_env(token, "SLACK_API_TOKEN"))
        self.__id = self.__client.users_lookupByEmail(email=self._type_or_env(email, "EMAIL"))['user']['id']

    def _addon(self, type_: str="Error")->str:
        return SlackMethod.emoji_dict.get(type_, ":tada:")

    def _send_message(self, MSG: str):
            self.__client.chat_postMessage(username=self.__username, # NOTE this can be any username, 
                                         text=MSG,               # set up the bot credentials!

        except Exception as ex:
            raise ex


Class variables

var emoji_dict

Inherited members