Module FuncNotify.NotifyMethods

Parent class for all of FuncNotify useability All NotifyMethods are child of this and use send_start_message, send_end_message, and send_error_message functions

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"""Parent class for all of FuncNotify useability
All NotifyMethods are child of this and use send_start_message, 
send_end_message, and send_error_message functions
import os
import time
import traceback
import inspect

import logging
import logging.handlers

import socket
import collections

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

class FactoryRegistry(ABCMeta):
    _REGISTRY = {} 
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs):
        newclass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs)
        if not inspect.isabstract(newclass):  # Removes abstract methods from registry
            cls._REGISTRY[newclass.__name__.replace("Method", "")] = newclass
        return newclass
    def get_cls_registry(cls)->dict:
        """Registers every class created in a dictionary, creating automated
        factory methoods
            dict: Takes a string of type (Class name without method) and returns NotifyObj
        return dict(cls._REGISTRY)
class NotifyMethods(metaclass=FactoryRegistry):
    """Abstract class for the methods of notifying the user, \
    handles the messages and logger for error checking
    # Tracking and testing, intended to in case one needs to check functions ran
    _buffer = collections.deque([], maxlen=5) # Tracks last five for error checking, 
    __slots__ = ("__environ_dict", "_error")
    _messageDict = {"Start": ["Function: `{0}` called...",
                              "Machine Name: {machine}",
                              "Start Time: {1}"],
                    "End":   ["Function: `{0}` completed",
                              "Machine Name: {machine}",
                              "Finish Time: {1}",
                              "Total Time: {2:.2f}"],
                    "Error": ["Function: `{0}` failed due to a {1}",
                              "Exception Reason: {2}"
                              "Fail Time Stamp: {3}",
                              "Machine Name: {machine}",
                              "Fail Traceback: {4}"],
                    "Custom": ["{0}"],
    def __init__(self, environ: dict=None, mute: bool=False, use_log: bool=False, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__environ_dict = environ if isinstance(environ, dict) else {}
            NotifyMethods.logger_init(self.__environ_dict, self.__environ_dict, use_log, *args, **kwargs) 
            # Why do I have to declare the __environ_dict twice? I have no idea TODO someone smarter help
            self._set_credentials(*args, **kwargs)
            self._error=None # Always default to notify user

        except Exception as ex:
            NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                message="[CREDENTIALS] Connection to setting up notifications \
                                        interupted, double check env variables")
            NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                              message=f"[CREDENTIALS] {ex}") 
            self._error=CredentialError(self, ex) # If error with credentials

    def environ_dict(self):
        """Wanted to hide environment variables but still be able to test
            bool: Whether environ_dict contains anything"""        
        return not not self.__environ_dict
    def _type_or_env(self, val, env_variable: str, type_: type=str)->str:
        """Checks if inputted value is of the type `type_`, default to string, otherwise \
        searches environment for that variable. If not found, doesn't notify ussers

            val (any): Input, should always be a string but if not will search environment
            type_ (type): the type too coompare to 
            env_variable (str): environment variable name

            type_: important information used by apis
            KeyError: Raises if environment variable not found in name, this will set `self._error` \
            to that exception so it can be accessed
        return val if isinstance(val, type_) else self.__environ_dict[env_variable] 
    def _add_buffer(cls, NotifyObject):
        """Adds each object to a pseudo cyclical buffer that holds 5 objects that
        can be checked when you grab the buffer
        if isinstance(NotifyObject._error, Exception): 
    def get_buffer(cls):
        """Buffer holding previous NotifyMethods to be able to interact with

            deque: Holds last 5 objects
        return cls._buffer
    def set_mute(cls, mute: bool=False):
        """Mutes the send of messages for the entire class

            mute (bool, optional): whether to enable/disable messages for a period of time. Defaults to False.
        cls._mute = mute if isinstance(mute, bool) else False

    def logger_init(cls, environ: dict, log: bool=False, buffer: int=65536, logger_path: str=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initializes a logger to tract messages sent and errors (not errors outside of FuncNotify) that arise from sending the message.
            environ (dict): current environment variables
            log (bool, optional): Whether to log the files]. Defaults to False.
            buffer (int, optional): Size of each log file. Defaults to 65536 (2**16).
            logger_path (str, optional): path to logger. Defaults to None.
        if (environ.get("LOG") or log or logger_path) and cls.logger is None: # Uses existing logger if it existss
            if logger_path:
                path = environ.get("LOGGER_PATH", "")
                path = path if path else os.getcwd() # If env variable but not defined is empty sets path to cwd
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "logs")):

            import __main__ # Necessary for naming, setting up print formatting
            logger_name = __main__.__file__.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

            cls.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

            logger_console_format = "[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s"
            console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

            logger_file_format = "[%(levelname)s] - %(asctime)s - %(name)s - : %(message)s in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d"
            file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename=f"{path}/logs/{logger_name}.log",
                                                                maxBytes=int(environ.get("FILE_SIZE", buffer)), 

            # Dictionary houses all logging methods
            logger_strings = ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL", "OFF"]
            logger_levels = range(logging.DEBUG, logging.CRITICAL + 11, 10)
            logger_funcs = [cls.logger.debug,, cls.logger.warning, cls.logger.error, cls.logger.critical]
            cls.log_method_dict = dict(zip(logger_strings, logger_funcs))
            cls.log_level_dict = dict(zip(logger_strings, logger_levels))
        elif not (environ.get("LOG") or log or logger_path) and environ:

    # Logger suite, functions that control logging functinos that run
    def set_logger(cls, level: int=None, level_string: str=None):
        """Determines whether the loggger should pay atention to. The default \
        level is `Warning` and calling this function will set it to `Debug`.

            level (int, optional): level to set log to level. Mututally exclusive with level_string. 
            Defaults to logging.DEBUG.
            level_string (str, optional): str representation to set log level to. \
            Must be all capitalized letters. Mututally exclusive with level.  
            Defaults to "DEBUG".
        if cls.logger is None:
        if level is not None and level_string is not None:
            raise ValueError("`level` and `level_string` are mutually exclusive variables")
            lvl = max(level if isinstance(level, int) else -1, cls.log_level_dict.get(level_string, -1))
            lvl = lvl if lvl != -1 else logging.DEBUG
    def logger_off(cls):
        """Turn off logger by setting the logger value so high nothing triggers it
    def _format_log(cls, status: str, METHOD: str, message: str, *args, **kwargs):
        ret_messsage = f"[{METHOD=}] Message = {message}"
        return ret_messsage, {'exc_info': status>logging.INFO} 
    def log(cls, status: str="DEBUG", *args, **kwargs):
        """Logs the current event, one can pass multiple argugments too
            status (str, optional): logging level. Defaults to "DEBUG".
        if cls.logger:
            log_message, kwdict = cls._format_log(cls.log_level_dict.get(status, logging.ERROR), *args, **kwargs)
                                    lambda *args, **kwargs: [
                                        cls.logger.error(*args, **kwargs),
                                        cls.logger.error("Logger method not found, using [ERROR]"),]
                                    )(log_message, **kwdict)
    def _set_credentials(self, *args, **kwargs)->None:
        """Sets up object with environment variables
    def _send_message(self, message: str)->None: 
        """Interacts with the respective platforms apis, the prior 3 all call this functioon to send the message

    # Suite of funcitons sends and formats messages for each different method. These guys help format each message for each of the instances
    def send_start_MSG(self, func): 
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime())], machine=socket.gethostname(),
    def send_end_MSG(self, func, diff: float): 
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime()), diff], machine=socket.gethostname(), 
    def send_error_MSG(self, func, ex: Exception): 
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, type(ex), str(ex), time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime()), traceback.format_exc()], machine=socket.gethostname(),
    def send_custom_MSG(self, MSG: str): 
        """Send custom messages, kind of an easter egg and will require a bit of custom code ot set up
            MSG (str): Any valid string
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[MSG], type_="Custom")
    def _format_message(self, formatList: list, type_: str="Error", *args, **kwargs):
        return '\n'.join(NotifyMethods._messageDict[type_]).format(*formatList, *args, **kwargs) + self._addon(type_=type_)

    def _addon(self, type_: str="Error")->str:
        """Pseudo-abstsract method, sometimess will add emojis and other fun messages
        that are platform specific. Not necessary to implement but you can for personalization!
        return ""
    def _send_MSG_base(self, *args, **kwargs)->None:
        """All functions begin by calling send_MSG_base and depending on the status of that functioon, it'll be sent or
        an error will be logged if the initial credentials aren't valid

            MSG (str): Current MSG to be sent.  
        MSG = self._format_message(*args, **kwargs)
        if not NotifyMethods._mute:       
            if self._error:
                NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                  message=f"[ERROR] {self._error} \n[Message] {MSG}")
                NotifyMethods.log(status="DEBUG", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 

            except Exception as ex:
                self._error=MessageSendError(self, ex)
                NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                  message=f"[Error] {self._error} \n[Message] {MSG}")
            NotifyMethods.log(status="INFO", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                  message=f"[Message] {MSG} \n[Muted] True")
class CredentialError(Exception):
    """Errrors occuring while setting up the credentials"""    
    __slots__=("NotifyObject", "error")
    def __init__(self, NotifyObject: NotifyMethods, error: Exception):
        """NotifyMethods object where something went wrong"""        
        """The Error with the NotifyMethods object"""        
    def __str__(self):
        return f"The following exception occurred with the credentials of using {self.NotifyObject.__class__.__name__} \n" \
               f"[Error] {self.error} \n" \
               f"[Fix] Check all credentials are strings and are accurate, check the type hints, and env variables"
class MessageSendError(Exception):
    """Errors that occur when sending the message and are caught then"""    
    __slots__=("NotifyObject", "error")
    def __init__(self, NotifyObject: NotifyMethods, error: Exception):
        """"NotifyMethods object where something went wrong""" 
        """The Error with the NotifyMethods object"""  
    def __str__(self):
        return f"The following exception occurred while sending the messagge with the method {self.NotifyObject.__class__.__name__} \n"\
               f"[Error] {self.error} \n" \
               f"[Fix] This is an error with the respective platform's API, ensure the credentials for are valid and you have access," \
               f"check env variables, and ensure that all the types are correct. This is likely an issue with your implementation."


class CredentialError (NotifyObject: NotifyMethods, error: Exception)

Errrors occuring while setting up the credentials

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class CredentialError(Exception):
    """Errrors occuring while setting up the credentials"""    
    __slots__=("NotifyObject", "error")
    def __init__(self, NotifyObject: NotifyMethods, error: Exception):
        """NotifyMethods object where something went wrong"""        
        """The Error with the NotifyMethods object"""        
    def __str__(self):
        return f"The following exception occurred with the credentials of using {self.NotifyObject.__class__.__name__} \n" \
               f"[Error] {self.error} \n" \
               f"[Fix] Check all credentials are strings and are accurate, check the type hints, and env variables"


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException

Instance variables

var NotifyObject

NotifyMethods object where something went wrong

var error

The Error with the NotifyMethods object

class FactoryRegistry (*args, **kwargs)

Metaclass for defining Abstract Base Classes (ABCs).

Use this metaclass to create an ABC. An ABC can be subclassed directly, and then acts as a mix-in class. You can also register unrelated concrete classes (even built-in classes) and unrelated ABCs as 'virtual subclasses' – these and their descendants will be considered subclasses of the registering ABC by the built-in issubclass() function, but the registering ABC won't show up in their MRO (Method Resolution Order) nor will method implementations defined by the registering ABC be callable (not even via super()).

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class FactoryRegistry(ABCMeta):
    _REGISTRY = {} 
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs):
        newclass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs)
        if not inspect.isabstract(newclass):  # Removes abstract methods from registry
            cls._REGISTRY[newclass.__name__.replace("Method", "")] = newclass
        return newclass
    def get_cls_registry(cls)->dict:
        """Registers every class created in a dictionary, creating automated
        factory methoods
            dict: Takes a string of type (Class name without method) and returns NotifyObj
        return dict(cls._REGISTRY)


  • abc.ABCMeta
  • builtins.type

Static methods

def get_cls_registry() ‑> dict

Registers every class created in a dictionary, creating automated factory methoods


Takes a string of type (Class name without method) and returns NotifyObj
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def get_cls_registry(cls)->dict:
    """Registers every class created in a dictionary, creating automated
    factory methoods
        dict: Takes a string of type (Class name without method) and returns NotifyObj
    return dict(cls._REGISTRY)
class MessageSendError (NotifyObject: NotifyMethods, error: Exception)

Errors that occur when sending the message and are caught then

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class MessageSendError(Exception):
    """Errors that occur when sending the message and are caught then"""    
    __slots__=("NotifyObject", "error")
    def __init__(self, NotifyObject: NotifyMethods, error: Exception):
        """"NotifyMethods object where something went wrong""" 
        """The Error with the NotifyMethods object"""  
    def __str__(self):
        return f"The following exception occurred while sending the messagge with the method {self.NotifyObject.__class__.__name__} \n"\
               f"[Error] {self.error} \n" \
               f"[Fix] This is an error with the respective platform's API, ensure the credentials for are valid and you have access," \
               f"check env variables, and ensure that all the types are correct. This is likely an issue with your implementation."


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException

Instance variables

var NotifyObject

"NotifyMethods object where something went wrong

var error

The Error with the NotifyMethods object

class NotifyMethods (environ: dict = None, mute: bool = False, use_log: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)

Abstract class for the methods of notifying the user, handles the messages and logger for error checking

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class NotifyMethods(metaclass=FactoryRegistry):
    """Abstract class for the methods of notifying the user, \
    handles the messages and logger for error checking
    # Tracking and testing, intended to in case one needs to check functions ran
    _buffer = collections.deque([], maxlen=5) # Tracks last five for error checking, 
    __slots__ = ("__environ_dict", "_error")
    _messageDict = {"Start": ["Function: `{0}` called...",
                              "Machine Name: {machine}",
                              "Start Time: {1}"],
                    "End":   ["Function: `{0}` completed",
                              "Machine Name: {machine}",
                              "Finish Time: {1}",
                              "Total Time: {2:.2f}"],
                    "Error": ["Function: `{0}` failed due to a {1}",
                              "Exception Reason: {2}"
                              "Fail Time Stamp: {3}",
                              "Machine Name: {machine}",
                              "Fail Traceback: {4}"],
                    "Custom": ["{0}"],
    def __init__(self, environ: dict=None, mute: bool=False, use_log: bool=False, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__environ_dict = environ if isinstance(environ, dict) else {}
            NotifyMethods.logger_init(self.__environ_dict, self.__environ_dict, use_log, *args, **kwargs) 
            # Why do I have to declare the __environ_dict twice? I have no idea TODO someone smarter help
            self._set_credentials(*args, **kwargs)
            self._error=None # Always default to notify user

        except Exception as ex:
            NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                message="[CREDENTIALS] Connection to setting up notifications \
                                        interupted, double check env variables")
            NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                              message=f"[CREDENTIALS] {ex}") 
            self._error=CredentialError(self, ex) # If error with credentials

    def environ_dict(self):
        """Wanted to hide environment variables but still be able to test
            bool: Whether environ_dict contains anything"""        
        return not not self.__environ_dict
    def _type_or_env(self, val, env_variable: str, type_: type=str)->str:
        """Checks if inputted value is of the type `type_`, default to string, otherwise \
        searches environment for that variable. If not found, doesn't notify ussers

            val (any): Input, should always be a string but if not will search environment
            type_ (type): the type too coompare to 
            env_variable (str): environment variable name

            type_: important information used by apis
            KeyError: Raises if environment variable not found in name, this will set `self._error` \
            to that exception so it can be accessed
        return val if isinstance(val, type_) else self.__environ_dict[env_variable] 
    def _add_buffer(cls, NotifyObject):
        """Adds each object to a pseudo cyclical buffer that holds 5 objects that
        can be checked when you grab the buffer
        if isinstance(NotifyObject._error, Exception): 
    def get_buffer(cls):
        """Buffer holding previous NotifyMethods to be able to interact with

            deque: Holds last 5 objects
        return cls._buffer
    def set_mute(cls, mute: bool=False):
        """Mutes the send of messages for the entire class

            mute (bool, optional): whether to enable/disable messages for a period of time. Defaults to False.
        cls._mute = mute if isinstance(mute, bool) else False

    def logger_init(cls, environ: dict, log: bool=False, buffer: int=65536, logger_path: str=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initializes a logger to tract messages sent and errors (not errors outside of FuncNotify) that arise from sending the message.
            environ (dict): current environment variables
            log (bool, optional): Whether to log the files]. Defaults to False.
            buffer (int, optional): Size of each log file. Defaults to 65536 (2**16).
            logger_path (str, optional): path to logger. Defaults to None.
        if (environ.get("LOG") or log or logger_path) and cls.logger is None: # Uses existing logger if it existss
            if logger_path:
                path = environ.get("LOGGER_PATH", "")
                path = path if path else os.getcwd() # If env variable but not defined is empty sets path to cwd
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "logs")):

            import __main__ # Necessary for naming, setting up print formatting
            logger_name = __main__.__file__.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

            cls.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

            logger_console_format = "[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s"
            console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

            logger_file_format = "[%(levelname)s] - %(asctime)s - %(name)s - : %(message)s in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d"
            file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename=f"{path}/logs/{logger_name}.log",
                                                                maxBytes=int(environ.get("FILE_SIZE", buffer)), 

            # Dictionary houses all logging methods
            logger_strings = ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL", "OFF"]
            logger_levels = range(logging.DEBUG, logging.CRITICAL + 11, 10)
            logger_funcs = [cls.logger.debug,, cls.logger.warning, cls.logger.error, cls.logger.critical]
            cls.log_method_dict = dict(zip(logger_strings, logger_funcs))
            cls.log_level_dict = dict(zip(logger_strings, logger_levels))
        elif not (environ.get("LOG") or log or logger_path) and environ:

    # Logger suite, functions that control logging functinos that run
    def set_logger(cls, level: int=None, level_string: str=None):
        """Determines whether the loggger should pay atention to. The default \
        level is `Warning` and calling this function will set it to `Debug`.

            level (int, optional): level to set log to level. Mututally exclusive with level_string. 
            Defaults to logging.DEBUG.
            level_string (str, optional): str representation to set log level to. \
            Must be all capitalized letters. Mututally exclusive with level.  
            Defaults to "DEBUG".
        if cls.logger is None:
        if level is not None and level_string is not None:
            raise ValueError("`level` and `level_string` are mutually exclusive variables")
            lvl = max(level if isinstance(level, int) else -1, cls.log_level_dict.get(level_string, -1))
            lvl = lvl if lvl != -1 else logging.DEBUG
    def logger_off(cls):
        """Turn off logger by setting the logger value so high nothing triggers it
    def _format_log(cls, status: str, METHOD: str, message: str, *args, **kwargs):
        ret_messsage = f"[{METHOD=}] Message = {message}"
        return ret_messsage, {'exc_info': status>logging.INFO} 
    def log(cls, status: str="DEBUG", *args, **kwargs):
        """Logs the current event, one can pass multiple argugments too
            status (str, optional): logging level. Defaults to "DEBUG".
        if cls.logger:
            log_message, kwdict = cls._format_log(cls.log_level_dict.get(status, logging.ERROR), *args, **kwargs)
                                    lambda *args, **kwargs: [
                                        cls.logger.error(*args, **kwargs),
                                        cls.logger.error("Logger method not found, using [ERROR]"),]
                                    )(log_message, **kwdict)
    def _set_credentials(self, *args, **kwargs)->None:
        """Sets up object with environment variables
    def _send_message(self, message: str)->None: 
        """Interacts with the respective platforms apis, the prior 3 all call this functioon to send the message

    # Suite of funcitons sends and formats messages for each different method. These guys help format each message for each of the instances
    def send_start_MSG(self, func): 
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime())], machine=socket.gethostname(),
    def send_end_MSG(self, func, diff: float): 
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime()), diff], machine=socket.gethostname(), 
    def send_error_MSG(self, func, ex: Exception): 
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, type(ex), str(ex), time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime()), traceback.format_exc()], machine=socket.gethostname(),
    def send_custom_MSG(self, MSG: str): 
        """Send custom messages, kind of an easter egg and will require a bit of custom code ot set up
            MSG (str): Any valid string
        self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[MSG], type_="Custom")
    def _format_message(self, formatList: list, type_: str="Error", *args, **kwargs):
        return '\n'.join(NotifyMethods._messageDict[type_]).format(*formatList, *args, **kwargs) + self._addon(type_=type_)

    def _addon(self, type_: str="Error")->str:
        """Pseudo-abstsract method, sometimess will add emojis and other fun messages
        that are platform specific. Not necessary to implement but you can for personalization!
        return ""
    def _send_MSG_base(self, *args, **kwargs)->None:
        """All functions begin by calling send_MSG_base and depending on the status of that functioon, it'll be sent or
        an error will be logged if the initial credentials aren't valid

            MSG (str): Current MSG to be sent.  
        MSG = self._format_message(*args, **kwargs)
        if not NotifyMethods._mute:       
            if self._error:
                NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                  message=f"[ERROR] {self._error} \n[Message] {MSG}")
                NotifyMethods.log(status="DEBUG", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 

            except Exception as ex:
                self._error=MessageSendError(self, ex)
                NotifyMethods.log(status="ERROR", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                  message=f"[Error] {self._error} \n[Message] {MSG}")
            NotifyMethods.log(status="INFO", METHOD=self.__class__.__name__, 
                                  message=f"[Message] {MSG} \n[Muted] True")


Class variables

var log_method_dict
var logger

Static methods

def get_buffer()

Buffer holding previous NotifyMethods to be able to interact with


Holds last 5 objects
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def get_buffer(cls):
    """Buffer holding previous NotifyMethods to be able to interact with

        deque: Holds last 5 objects
    return cls._buffer
def log(status: str = 'DEBUG', *args, **kwargs)

Logs the current event, one can pass multiple argugments too


status : str, optional
logging level. Defaults to "DEBUG".
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def log(cls, status: str="DEBUG", *args, **kwargs):
    """Logs the current event, one can pass multiple argugments too
        status (str, optional): logging level. Defaults to "DEBUG".
    if cls.logger:
        log_message, kwdict = cls._format_log(cls.log_level_dict.get(status, logging.ERROR), *args, **kwargs)
                                lambda *args, **kwargs: [
                                    cls.logger.error(*args, **kwargs),
                                    cls.logger.error("Logger method not found, using [ERROR]"),]
                                )(log_message, **kwdict)
def logger_init(environ: dict, log: bool = False, buffer: int = 65536, logger_path: str = None, *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a logger to tract messages sent and errors (not errors outside of FuncNotify) that arise from sending the message.


environ : dict
current environment variables
log : bool, optional
Whether to log the files]. Defaults to False.
buffer : int, optional
Size of each log file. Defaults to 65536 (2**16).
logger_path : str, optional
path to logger. Defaults to None.
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def logger_init(cls, environ: dict, log: bool=False, buffer: int=65536, logger_path: str=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Initializes a logger to tract messages sent and errors (not errors outside of FuncNotify) that arise from sending the message.
        environ (dict): current environment variables
        log (bool, optional): Whether to log the files]. Defaults to False.
        buffer (int, optional): Size of each log file. Defaults to 65536 (2**16).
        logger_path (str, optional): path to logger. Defaults to None.
    if (environ.get("LOG") or log or logger_path) and cls.logger is None: # Uses existing logger if it existss
        if logger_path:
            path = environ.get("LOGGER_PATH", "")
            path = path if path else os.getcwd() # If env variable but not defined is empty sets path to cwd
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "logs")):

        import __main__ # Necessary for naming, setting up print formatting
        logger_name = __main__.__file__.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

        cls.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

        logger_console_format = "[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s"
        console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

        logger_file_format = "[%(levelname)s] - %(asctime)s - %(name)s - : %(message)s in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d"
        file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename=f"{path}/logs/{logger_name}.log",
                                                            maxBytes=int(environ.get("FILE_SIZE", buffer)), 

        # Dictionary houses all logging methods
        logger_strings = ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL", "OFF"]
        logger_levels = range(logging.DEBUG, logging.CRITICAL + 11, 10)
        logger_funcs = [cls.logger.debug,, cls.logger.warning, cls.logger.error, cls.logger.critical]
        cls.log_method_dict = dict(zip(logger_strings, logger_funcs))
        cls.log_level_dict = dict(zip(logger_strings, logger_levels))
    elif not (environ.get("LOG") or log or logger_path) and environ:
def logger_off()

Turn off logger by setting the logger value so high nothing triggers it

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def logger_off(cls):
    """Turn off logger by setting the logger value so high nothing triggers it
def set_logger(level: int = None, level_string: str = None)

Determines whether the loggger should pay atention to. The default level is Warning and calling this function will set it to Debug.


level : int, optional
level to set log to level. Mututally exclusive with level_string.
Defaults to logging.DEBUG.
level_string : str, optional
str representation to set log level to. Must be all capitalized letters. Mututally exclusive with level.

Defaults to "DEBUG".

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def set_logger(cls, level: int=None, level_string: str=None):
    """Determines whether the loggger should pay atention to. The default \
    level is `Warning` and calling this function will set it to `Debug`.

        level (int, optional): level to set log to level. Mututally exclusive with level_string. 
        Defaults to logging.DEBUG.
        level_string (str, optional): str representation to set log level to. \
        Must be all capitalized letters. Mututally exclusive with level.  
        Defaults to "DEBUG".
    if cls.logger is None:
    if level is not None and level_string is not None:
        raise ValueError("`level` and `level_string` are mutually exclusive variables")
        lvl = max(level if isinstance(level, int) else -1, cls.log_level_dict.get(level_string, -1))
        lvl = lvl if lvl != -1 else logging.DEBUG
def set_mute(mute: bool = False)

Mutes the send of messages for the entire class


mute : bool, optional
whether to enable/disable messages for a period of time. Defaults to False.
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def set_mute(cls, mute: bool=False):
    """Mutes the send of messages for the entire class

        mute (bool, optional): whether to enable/disable messages for a period of time. Defaults to False.
    cls._mute = mute if isinstance(mute, bool) else False

Instance variables

var environ_dict

Wanted to hide environment variables but still be able to test


Whether environ_dict contains anything
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def environ_dict(self):
    """Wanted to hide environment variables but still be able to test
        bool: Whether environ_dict contains anything"""        
    return not not self.__environ_dict


def send_custom_MSG(self, MSG: str)

Send custom messages, kind of an easter egg and will require a bit of custom code ot set up


MSG : str
Any valid string
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def send_custom_MSG(self, MSG: str): 
    """Send custom messages, kind of an easter egg and will require a bit of custom code ot set up
        MSG (str): Any valid string
    self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[MSG], type_="Custom")
def send_end_MSG(self, func, diff: float)
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def send_end_MSG(self, func, diff: float): 
    self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime()), diff], machine=socket.gethostname(), 
def send_error_MSG(self, func, ex: Exception)
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def send_error_MSG(self, func, ex: Exception): 
    self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, type(ex), str(ex), time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime()), traceback.format_exc()], machine=socket.gethostname(),
def send_start_MSG(self, func)
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def send_start_MSG(self, func): 
    self._send_MSG_base(formatList=[func.__name__, time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, time.localtime())], machine=socket.gethostname(),