Module FuncNotify.EmailMethod

Send messages with sendgrid API (non-gmail)

Setup: 1. Sign up for sendgrid here: 2. Go to user settings and grab an API key 3. Add a specified sender email an make sure you enable sendgrid to send emails on behalf of that account 4. Add to the .env file your details

Send emails with Yagmail

Setup: 1. Sign up for gmail: 2. Go to user settings and create an app password: 3. Add the password to keyring: 4. Add email to the .env, alternatively add your password to the .env (not reccomended)

Expand source code
"""Send messages with sendgrid API (non-gmail)

    1. Sign up for sendgrid here:
    2. Go to user settings and grab an API key
    3. Add a specified sender email an make sure you enable sendgrid to send emails on behalf of that account
    4. Add to the .env file your details

Send emails with Yagmail

    1. Sign up for gmail:
    2. Go to user settings and create an app password:
    3. Add the password to keyring:
    4. Add email to the .env, alternatively add your password to the .env (not reccomended)

import FuncNotify.NotifyMethods as NotifyMethods # Using the predefined functions from the abstract class
import FuncNotify.NotifyDecorators as NotifyDecorators

# Specify here other Packages to be imported specific for `Email`. Include why each package is here
import yagmail
from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Mail

def time_Email(func=None, use_env: bool=True, env_path: str=".env", update_env: bool=False, twilio_email: bool=False, sender_email: str=None, subject_line: str=None, sender_password: str=None, target_email: str=None, *args, **kwargs): # Include something to check the rest of the arguments in the word
    """Decorator for sending emails wih yagmail or Sendgrid from twilio
        func (function, optional): In case you want to use time_func as a pure decoratr without \
        arguments. Defaults to None.
        use_env (str, optional): Loads .env file envionment variables. Defaults to False
        env_path (str, optional): Path to .env file. Defaults to ".env".
        update_env (bool, optional): Whether to update the .env file to current. Always updates on \
        initialization. Defaults to False.
        sender_email (str, optional): Sender email. Defaults to None.
        sender_passsword (str, optional): Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. \
        Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
        target_email (str, optional): Target email. Defaults to None.
    return NotifyDecorators.time_func(*args, **kwargs, **locals(), NotifyMethod="Email") 

class EmailMethod(NotifyMethods.NotifyMethods):
    """Sends emails wih yagmail or sendgrid from twilio
    __slots__ = ("__client", "__mail")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  
        """Uses yagmail to connect to an gmail aresss and to send emails from there
        Highly reccomend not passing in password and also create a separate email for thi istuation
        Highly reccomen creating an appspecific emailers
            sender_email (str, optional): Sender email. Defaults to None.
            sender_passsword (str, optional): Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. \
            Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
            target_email (str, optional): Target email. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _set_credentials(self, use_gmail: bool=True, subject_line: str=None, sender_email: str=None, sender_password: str=None, sendgrid_api: str=None, target_email: str=None, *args, **kwargs)->None:      
        """Uses yagmail to connect to an gmail aresss and to send emails from there
        Highly reccomend not passing in password and also create a separate email for thi istuation
        Highly reccomen creating an appspecific emailers
            use_gmail (bool, optional): whether to send using yagmail or sendgrid. Defaults to False.
            subject_line (str, optional): subject line for notifications. Defaults to None.
            sender_email (str, optional): Sender email. Defaults to None.
            sender_passsword (str, optional): Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. \
            Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
            sendgrid_api (str, optional): sendgrid api to send messages. Defaults to None.
            target_email (str, optional): Target email. Defaults to None.
        if subject_line is None:
            import __main__
            subject_line = f"Notifications for { __main__.__file__.split('/')[-1][:-3]}"

        if use_gmail:
                self.__client = yagmail.SMTP(self._type_or_env(sender_email, "SENDER_EMAIL"),
                                             self._type_or_env(sender_password, "SENDER_PASSWORD"))
            except KeyError:
                self.__client = yagmail.SMTP(self._type_or_env(sender_email, "SENDER_EMAIL"))
            self.__mail   = {"to":     [self._type_or_env(target_email, "TARGET_EMAIL")], 
                            "subject": self._type_or_env(subject_line, "SUBJECT")}

            self.__client = SendGridAPIClient(self._type_or_env(sendgrid_api, "SENDGRID_API"))
            self.__mail = {"from_email":  self._type_or_env(sender_email, "SENDER_EMAIL"), 
                          "to_emails":    [self._type_or_env(target_email, "TARGET_EMAIL")],
                          "subject":      self._type_or_env(subject_line, "SUBJECT"),}
    def _send_message(self, MSG: str):
            """Specify the API and set up of sending a singular message"""
            if len(self.__mail)==2:
                           "contents": MSG}
                _send_mail={"message": Mail(**self.__mail, html_content=MSG)} # Wrapped for unpacking
        except Exception as ex:
            """Handle the error somewhat or don't. If you want to add more information do it here"""       
            raise ex


def time_Email(func=None, use_env: bool = True, env_path: str = '.env', update_env: bool = False, twilio_email: bool = False, sender_email: str = None, subject_line: str = None, sender_password: str = None, target_email: str = None, *args, **kwargs)

Decorator for sending emails wih yagmail or Sendgrid from twilio


func : function, optional
In case you want to use time_func as a pure decoratr without arguments. Defaults to None.
use_env : str, optional
Loads .env file envionment variables. Defaults to False
env_path : str, optional
Path to .env file. Defaults to ".env".
update_env : bool, optional
Whether to update the .env file to current. Always updates on initialization. Defaults to False.
sender_email : str, optional
Sender email. Defaults to None.
sender_passsword : str, optional
Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
target_email : str, optional
Target email. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
def time_Email(func=None, use_env: bool=True, env_path: str=".env", update_env: bool=False, twilio_email: bool=False, sender_email: str=None, subject_line: str=None, sender_password: str=None, target_email: str=None, *args, **kwargs): # Include something to check the rest of the arguments in the word
    """Decorator for sending emails wih yagmail or Sendgrid from twilio
        func (function, optional): In case you want to use time_func as a pure decoratr without \
        arguments. Defaults to None.
        use_env (str, optional): Loads .env file envionment variables. Defaults to False
        env_path (str, optional): Path to .env file. Defaults to ".env".
        update_env (bool, optional): Whether to update the .env file to current. Always updates on \
        initialization. Defaults to False.
        sender_email (str, optional): Sender email. Defaults to None.
        sender_passsword (str, optional): Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. \
        Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
        target_email (str, optional): Target email. Defaults to None.
    return NotifyDecorators.time_func(*args, **kwargs, **locals(), NotifyMethod="Email") 


class EmailMethod (*args, **kwargs)

Sends emails wih yagmail or sendgrid from twilio

Uses yagmail to connect to an gmail aresss and to send emails from there Highly reccomend not passing in password and also create a separate email for thi istuation Highly reccomen creating an appspecific emailers


sender_email : str, optional
Sender email. Defaults to None.
sender_passsword : str, optional
Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
target_email : str, optional
Target email. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class EmailMethod(NotifyMethods.NotifyMethods):
    """Sends emails wih yagmail or sendgrid from twilio
    __slots__ = ("__client", "__mail")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  
        """Uses yagmail to connect to an gmail aresss and to send emails from there
        Highly reccomend not passing in password and also create a separate email for thi istuation
        Highly reccomen creating an appspecific emailers
            sender_email (str, optional): Sender email. Defaults to None.
            sender_passsword (str, optional): Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. \
            Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
            target_email (str, optional): Target email. Defaults to None.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _set_credentials(self, use_gmail: bool=True, subject_line: str=None, sender_email: str=None, sender_password: str=None, sendgrid_api: str=None, target_email: str=None, *args, **kwargs)->None:      
        """Uses yagmail to connect to an gmail aresss and to send emails from there
        Highly reccomend not passing in password and also create a separate email for thi istuation
        Highly reccomen creating an appspecific emailers
            use_gmail (bool, optional): whether to send using yagmail or sendgrid. Defaults to False.
            subject_line (str, optional): subject line for notifications. Defaults to None.
            sender_email (str, optional): Sender email. Defaults to None.
            sender_passsword (str, optional): Not safe method of using yagmail by passing password in. \
            Reccomend using keyring, see yagmail source. Defaults to None
            sendgrid_api (str, optional): sendgrid api to send messages. Defaults to None.
            target_email (str, optional): Target email. Defaults to None.
        if subject_line is None:
            import __main__
            subject_line = f"Notifications for { __main__.__file__.split('/')[-1][:-3]}"

        if use_gmail:
                self.__client = yagmail.SMTP(self._type_or_env(sender_email, "SENDER_EMAIL"),
                                             self._type_or_env(sender_password, "SENDER_PASSWORD"))
            except KeyError:
                self.__client = yagmail.SMTP(self._type_or_env(sender_email, "SENDER_EMAIL"))
            self.__mail   = {"to":     [self._type_or_env(target_email, "TARGET_EMAIL")], 
                            "subject": self._type_or_env(subject_line, "SUBJECT")}

            self.__client = SendGridAPIClient(self._type_or_env(sendgrid_api, "SENDGRID_API"))
            self.__mail = {"from_email":  self._type_or_env(sender_email, "SENDER_EMAIL"), 
                          "to_emails":    [self._type_or_env(target_email, "TARGET_EMAIL")],
                          "subject":      self._type_or_env(subject_line, "SUBJECT"),}
    def _send_message(self, MSG: str):
            """Specify the API and set up of sending a singular message"""
            if len(self.__mail)==2:
                           "contents": MSG}
                _send_mail={"message": Mail(**self.__mail, html_content=MSG)} # Wrapped for unpacking
        except Exception as ex:
            """Handle the error somewhat or don't. If you want to add more information do it here"""       
            raise ex


Inherited members